How much does it cost to post listings on your site?

The cost to post on Idealist is based on the type of organization and where it's located. Payment and invoicing options are also dependent on the type of organization.
Nonprofits and Government Agencies:
- Nonprofits and government agencies in the United States are charged $125 per Job listing and $25 per Internship listing. Payment can be made by check or credit card. Volunteer opportunities and event listings are free to post.
- Nonprofits and government agencies outside the United States can post all listing types for free.
Community Groups
- Community groups in the United States are charged $125 per Job listing and $25 per Internship listing. Payment can be made by credit card. Volunteer opportunities and event listings are free to post.
- Community groups outside the United States can post all listing types for free.
Consultants and Recruiters:
- Companies that recruit on behalf of nonprofits and government agencies ("Recruiters") or provide other services specific to the needs of these kinds of clients ("Consultants") in the United States, Canada, or the United Kingdom pay $145 per Job listing and $35 per Internship listing. Event listings are free to post.
- Recruiters and Consultants outside the United States, Canada, or the United Kingdom pay $20 per Job listing and $15 per Internship listing. Event listings are free to post.
- Payment can be made by credit card.
- Businesses posting social good-focused jobs that fit our criteria in the United States, Canada, or the United Kingdom are charged $195 per Job listing per location and $45 per Internship listing per location. Event listings are free to post.
- These businesses located outside the United States, Canada, or the United Kingdom pay $20 per Job listing and $15 per Internship listing. Event listings are free to post.
- Payment can be made by credit card.
We also offer Job and Internship Packs that offer significantly reduced pricing if you plan on posting often. Packs provide the right to post for 3 years from the date of activation, up to the number specified, so even if your hiring needs aren't immediate, Packs can be a cost effective way to prepare for the future.
Job and Internship listings are posted on Idealist for 30 days. Listings are not priced on a time basis, so we don’t prorate our listings for shorter periods of time.
To post your listing, you must first become an administrator of an approved organization on Idealist. If your organization isn’t listed on Idealist yet, you’ll first have to add your organization!