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How to Make a Counter Offer During a Salary Negotiation

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Jeannette Eaton

Speech bubbles discussing salary negotiation with green doodles of money and stars, on green background.

For many nonprofit professionals, salary negotiation can feel like an elusive art form. Sometimes we’re so happy that we got a job offer at all that we end up feeling like it would be rude of us to advocate for better compensation (spoiler: it’s not!). Other times, it is simply exhausting to think about all the back and forth required to negotiate a salary that works for both you and the hiring organization.

I understand both of these feelings, which is why we’re going to make the process as simple as possible. Follow our tips for making a counter offer that meets your needs for a higher base salary or additional employee benefits.

Key salary negotiation pointers

First, here are a few things to remember before stepping into negotiations:

  • You’re on the same side. You want to work there and the hiring manager wants to make an offer that is attractive to you. Think of this as your first chance to collaborate with your prospective employer.
  • Plan your approach. It’s important to go into the conversation with reasonable requests and be ready to listen. If you don’t feel like you have all the tools you need, pick up a book on communication skills, and make sure to research an appropriate salary number for your experience level.
  • Be upfront. If salary is your bottom line, start there. Say something like, “Based on the research I’ve done, the typical salary range for this position is higher than what I was offered. I’d like to be able to get closer to that number.”
  • Be open-minded. If the answer is no, you can ask about room for growth, whether the organization can offer additional benefits, or if you can set a date to revisit the salary conversation 3, 6, or 9 months into your new role. I once took a job for less money than I initially wanted because the hiring team was upfront and mentioned that raises would be a top priority for them. They were true to their word, and I ended up being bumped in salary three times in my first three years at the organization.
  • Be realistic. Many organizations run on smaller budgets and have less wiggle room where salaries are concerned. Asking for a 5% increase may not seem like a lot to you, but it could have a significant impact on an organization. Consider whether there are other benefits that may be negotiable if salary is not.
  • Know your bottom line. Only you know what you need to manage your expenses and make a job offer seem worthwhile. It’s up to you to decide if you feel good enough about the offer to accept the position. It’s okay to wait for the job you truly want—one that includes the salary you deserve.

Starting the salary counter-offer conversation

There is no better time to open the door to potential negotiation than right after receiving a job offer. Here’s how to get the conversation started:

  • Step 1: Show gratitude. Thank the employer for the offer and let them know you’d like to take some time to consider it. Remember that the best time to negotiate is before you accept the job.
  • Step 2: Do your research. Make sure you do your due diligence by researching salary ranges for the role and taking a look at the organization’s Form 990 to find out what the higher-ups are earning. If you’re going to be asking for more money, you want to make sure your request is fair and based on real numbers, not just on what you wish you were making.
  • Step 3: Reconnect with a clear offer. Once you have a number in mind and you’re ready to reach back out to the employer, be upfront when you get on the phone. Let them know you’re calling to discuss your salary options, and that you’d like to have that conversation before you decide whether to accept the role. If you choose to reconnect via email first, that’s okay, but try to make sure that at least some of the conversation happens on the phone.

Pro Tip: While you’re thinking, ask yourself if money truly is your bottom line. There are many benefits beyond base salary. Consider negotiating for a different job title, additional sick or vacation days, flexible scheduling, the possibility of remote work, and any other perks that would allow for a better work-life balance.

Asking for more can be scary, but remember that for most employers, raising the question of salary and negotiation will not come as a shock, and that they’ve likely had this type of conversation many times before. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you deserve. If you want this, you’ll have to ask (because no one else will do it for you!).

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Jeannette Eaton

For nearly two decades, Jeannette Eaton has been working for nonprofits and helping people identify their strengths. She has experience as an advocate for women and girls in crisis, a volunteer coordinator for adult literacy, and a family literacy instructor.

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