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Meet Michelle LeMeur, Idealist Grad School Fair Success Story

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Angel Eduardo

Michelle LeMeur, Idealist Grad School Fair success story, sitting outside in Italy.

Whether you’re a recent college grad, a seasoned nonprofit professional, or an aspiring sector-switcher, attending the right graduate program can advance your career. For many prospective students, the Idealist Grad School Fairs are the perfect opportunity to take that first step and explore all of your options.

We had an opportunity to speak with Michelle LeMeur about how attending the 2016 Idealist Grad School Fair in New York helped to shape her career path.

Name: Michelle LeMeur (she/her)

Idealist Grad School Fair Attended: New York, 2016

Undergraduate Degree: Bachelor of International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, class of 2011

Graduate Degree: Master of International Development and International Economics, Johns Hopkins University, class of 2019 

Current Job: Gender and Social Inclusion (GESI) Director, BHAKARI for Mercy Corps

What was your motivation for attending graduate school, and what were you looking for in a graduate program?

It’s been a bit of a winding path. I earned my bachelor’s at Johns Hopkins in 2011, and worked for five years before going back to school. My first job was with a nonprofit that developed and delivered professional development programs to teachers from underserved schools. After that, I taught English in Malaysia for a year, and that was a really good introduction to international development and humanitarian work.

I’ve always known that I was interested in other cultures, as well as education and gender and inclusion. I had been thinking about getting a Master’s of Business Administration, but when I finished my year in Malaysia, I realized I was interested in programs that support women and girls. 

What was the search like for you, and how did the Idealist Grad School Fair help?

Idealist was a key part of my grad school research—particularly because I was looking for a really rigorous program with international opportunities. I went to a few grad fairs, including the Idealist Grad School Fair in New York, and I had a long list of schools with strong international development programs. I had a few specific questions prepared, but I also used the fair to get a better sense of the vibe of the schools on my list.

The Idealist Grad School Fair was much bigger than the other fairs I attended, and there was a lot more variety there. I was there for two or three hours and had given myself permission to just ask whatever I wanted. I was pleasantly surprised that the school representatives didn’t come off as though they were giving me their spiel. They had an incredible amount of information, and it was enjoyable to have conversations with real people, and ask them real questions.

That’s when I talked to a really kind alumni from Johns Hopkins, my alma mater. I think that conversation addressed some things that were a big part of my decision to go back there for graduate school. They also have a campus in Italy where you can spend your first year, so that was a huge draw for me.

What was your graduate experience like?

I was excited to go back to school and felt like I had found the type of program that made sense for me. Transitioning back into the classroom after six years was a challenge, but being able to spend a year in Italy was really wonderful.

The amount of work and the caliber expected was on a completely different level than what I experienced in my undergraduate program, but I felt that I was being prepared for the types of careers I was interested in, and developing a really important foundation.

The alumni network and career services have also been extremely useful. Having those two years during my graduate program to take a step back and research organizations, meet with people, and to learn and ask questions, was invaluable to me.

When you approached graduation, what did you have in mind for next steps?

I’ve always been interested in work that is of service, and that has been a guiding light throughout my career. I spent my second year of graduate school in Washington, D.C., and I networked quite heavily. 

Heading toward graduation, I knew that I wanted to move abroad again and I also wanted to incorporate gender and inclusion work into my future role. I had been interning at Mercy Corps in D.C. and had a really positive experience, so I was quite focused on staying with them if I could.

What advice would you give to people considering graduate school?

I think it’s really important to do your research. For me, doing the research online, talking to alumni, going to events like the Idealist Grad School Fair, and going to open houses were all part of the puzzle.

The Idealist Grad School Fair was a great way to gather all of the information and programs in one place, so I didn’t have to run up and down the East Coast going to a bunch of different school events. It was also really nice to be with the other attendees, because you’re all there doing the same thing. It’s comforting to know that there are hundreds of other people going through this intense process with you, all with similar questions and concerns.

None of the schools I looked at did in-person interviews, so for me the Idealist Grad School Fair was the most personal part of the process, and it was really beneficial.


Curious about getting to know more about which grad school programs can advance your social-impact career? RSVP for Idealist’s Grad School Fair in NYC on October 9th!

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Angel Eduardo

Angel uses his skills as a storyteller to support and inspire job seekers and aspiring social-impact professionals.